Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Fo'c'sle - The Boathouse

The Boathouse has recently been undergoing extensive building works, adding a new room.  This room has been dubbed the Fo'c'sle (Forecastle - The forecastle was originally a castle-like structure at the front of Medieval ships used by archers to shoot down on the enemy.)

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The Boathouse - Quiz Poster

Yet again another little piece of work for the Boathouse pub in Falmouth.  This one's quite self explanatory, they wanted a poster that they could update when necessary with the dates of the pub quiz.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

PR Week - What does a Digital Media Specialist Look Like?

PR Week asked me to produce an image of the stereotypical trendy "Digital" guy and then used the article to quash the idea that all Digital Media Specialists look like the fellow sat in this image and that it is, in fact, fast becoming everyone's game.