Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Diplomat Magazine - Domestic Violence

A piece about Domestic Violence is never a simple one to conjure an idea for, especially when you're style is a bit "edgy." For this piece by Baroness Scotland, about how achieving a greater balance in gender equality should in turn reduce the number of cases of domestic violence, I eventually decided, after a lot of deliberation, that this was a piece I could tackle with something off my "things-I-really-want-to-draw" list.

Friday, 23 September 2011

The Boston Globe

I was recently working on a piece for The Boston Globe's Op-Ed.  The text talked about the differences in health and safety seen by children from the US and India.  Working with the art director we completed the piece with the girl and the snake but at the last minute the writer decided to remove the piece of text the illustration was based on for fear of being offensive towards her daughters school.

The decision was therefore to go with this motorcycle piece.

Friday, 16 September 2011

80's Zombie Beach Party

Another one from a few weeks ago and another mad idea from The Boathouse in Falmouth, in celebration of Brad filming his zombie apocalypse movie down there, came this poster.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Supported Housing - Inside Housing Magazine

A serious lack of updates here recently due to me moving city (I've left Manchester behind for Southsea, Hampshire) so this is the first in a series of catch up posts.

A few weeks ago I was asked to produce an illustration for Inside Housing magazine. The feature was about supported housing providers who basically offer housing to mainly disabled people, having money they would get, go directly to the tenant thus rendering them out of work and in a state of need.